Saturday, September 10, 2011


Yep! That's the day folks! 9-10-11 won't be another! This one just happens to be a very special day for a very special girl!

Happy 7th Birthday Mikayla!!!!!

She got up and of course the first thing she wanted to do was open gifts! So, I let her open a few.

Yes, That is a Dragonology game

This is a special gift from Daddy

That's right- what better thing for our little dragon than a very nice dragon!

Something from Savannah (first part of her gift)

a frost dragon- she now calls him Frost Bite

The girls decided that playing with the Aqua sand from Aunt Kimi would be a good way to spend some time together. The stuff is very 'cool' but very messy!

opening a few more gifts (better to spread them out!)

We went to Yank Sing for Mikayla's birthday meal. While we were there a special gift from Grandma and Grandpa Daich came. A delicious looking fruit bouquet! However- since we were at a restaurant, she had to wait until we were home and she wasn't so full before she could get into it!

Pretty eyes Savannah!

playing on the lions outside Yank Sing

Opening the rest of the gifts!

another dragon!

one more from Savannah!
Getting the cake! (is that another dragon? Of course!)


All in all I think Mikayla had a very good day!

Below I have 2 video's one is Mikayla being sung to and the other is her "trying" to blow out her candles! The computer is there because we had Grandpa Daich on Skype. That was entertaining and lots of fun!

Happy Birthday Kay! Mommy loves you lots!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A dogs got a hard life....NOT!

Just had to show off the dogs bit!

Pretty little Freya, posing for the camera!

"What are you doing?"

No, I don't think you can watch T.V. right now, Trace.

Their life is truly tough isn't it!
(But don't they look good? Gotta love those ears!)

Fun in the Sun!

Today I took the girls to the Aquatic center here in Killeen. I think they had a good time, don't you?
Being "flushed"
(Mikayla-top, Savannah-Bottom)

Being Dropped.

just a fun 'kiddie' slide

goin' again!

lots of swirls
(Savannah- top, Mikayla- Bottom)


playing on the 'Gator'

resting during a break!

Jumping of the diving board
(I wanted a picture of Savannah here- but she wouldn't come over while I had my camera out)

Just chilling!

another break!
We had fun, but missed Daddy!
We love you Grant!