Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pretty cool pictures!

Here are a couple of interesting photo's that Grant sent my that I thought I would post.

The first is one of Grant's platoon's 60's ( meaning the UH-60, aka the Blackhawk) flying over Baghdad in the morning, with the Kadamiah mosque in the background. The other is one of Grant's crews hovering at the most famous (military) tourist destination in Baghdad ( I guess I'll have to get the name of it later- I couldn't find it).

They're pretty cool, huh? I like to think so!

Okay, I had to put this in, too, because Mikayla was so proud of herself for drawing this picture. She said it was for her Daddy. I know I fixed this on my computer, but for some reason they come out sideways here. I'm sorry, I am still trying to see if there is anything that I can do about it. But, still.... isn't she just adorable!?

Monday, January 28, 2008


These are the dresses that Grant bought the girls when he was in Kuwait. I thought I would share how sweet the looked in them! (Not to mention I promised Grant that I would take pictures of them in them!)

Enjoy! (um... Yes, I do know they are sideways. Sorry about that. I'm not sure how to fix that, but I will keep trying. Until then... deal!)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy (late!) Birthday Savannah!

Here are a few pictures from Savannah's 7th birthday, which was on the 10th of January.

She really REALLY wanted tht chocolate fruit cup. So Instead of eating her cake on her birthday, the girls had these ( the cake got eaten later!)

She wanted new pillows for her birthday, so we (of course) had to get her a new blanket! This one is in honor of her daddy. It's camouflage.

Christmas (a bit late!)

Well, I don't have many Christmas pictures of the girls right now. I need to get those from my parents (whoops- I did mean to do that before I left!) But here are a cpuple that I do have!

Here is Savannah and Mr. and Mrs. Clause

Mikayla and Mr. and Mrs. Clause

This is Savannah and Mikayla, of course, and their cousins. Robert (asleep), Natalie (in the green coat), and Emily ( in the purple coat). Grandma and Grandpa are taking (or have just taken) them to see the lights in a nearby park.