Thursday, September 11, 2008


Mikayla with her new dragon and Tinkertoys

Whoa! can you believe I'm actually posting? I can't! Well, we have had a busy busy summer, but it was tons of fun! We went to Utah to visit my family for the summer and we also got to visit Chicago! I have lots of pictures that I'm going to start putting up, but I don't think that I will be able to do much of that tonight seeing as it is almost 12:30 am while I'm writing this! I thought, however, that I would put up a few little things from Mikayla's birthday, since we just celebrated it today (or I guess you would say it was yesterday if you wanted to get technical!) Anyway, so here they are. Enjoy, and I'll attempt to get more up about our summer!

Mikayla in front of her presents

Mikayla with her edible arrangement from her Savta and Grandpa Stevens

Mikayla and Savannah with the present 'Kay just opened from Savannah

Mikayla being sung Happy Birthday to.


Anonymous said...

Mikayla and Savannah are precious--as always!! It's sad for us not to be able to share special days with them, like holidays and birthdays.
Grateful to you, Melissa for the cute pictures you take and share!

Give them our love,
Mom and Dad

Kimi said...

What a cutie patootie!! I miss you guys! Post more pictures!