Sunday, January 25, 2009

Do you know these animals?

So! Here is where we went. Have fun looking around!

It's two babies. Not one. Two.
Watussi? What's a Watussi?

Watch where your pointing that flash!

Got anything good in here?

Ever heard of a Japanese sika?
Me either.

I'm waiting. . . .

ahh, it's a baby. Is he cute to you?

This is my park!
What long horns you have!

Looking waaaay up!

How kind of this lovely animal to pose so nicely for us!

This is MY park!

What a bunch of sleepy heads!

Trying to get the ladies attention...
'blackbuck style' !

I look so pretty!

I have blue eyes. Got it?

What a great bunch of girls!

Feed the goats?
Well. . . .
as long as they only eat the food!

Kimi may not like touching the goats, but it's clear they have no problems touching her!

Sipping soda together.
Aren't cousins great?

The rare Bongo. Did you know these are endangered?

teasing the ostrich
It's a good thing that there is a window between these two and the ostrich or they may have lost a few fingers or even a hand!

Feeeeeeed meeeeeeee

You can't go until I say so!

Well, if you can name all these animals without looking them up, I'll be very impressed! I'd tell you what they all are, but I can't seem to remember! But we had a great time!


tami said...

What fun pictures you have. You and Kimi are such good photographers! And what fun memories we all have :)

Kimi said...

ha! I really didn't look like I wanted to touch the goats did I? Well..I didn't! LOL