Saturday, January 31, 2009


There's a new member of the Stevens Family! A bouncing 3 1/2 pound little boy! Isn't he adorable? Here you can see him trying out his new bed before going into the house.

Check out those ears!!1

He managed to hold still for a couple seconds (after several tries where one or the other here kept looking away!)

Oh yeah, gotta get the ball!
(Best of both worlds- a squeaky ball!!!)

Not sure, but I don't believe he was run over!

Ok, he just stayed like this chewing his rawhide. Strange no?

(He finally laid down)

Movin' on to another chew- gotta taste 'em all!

Cute, huh!?

This is MY bed!!

As you can see, this is our new puppy! He is a papillon, (don't you just love those ears?) and he is very sweet. We are so excited to have him join our family!

Yes he has a name. It's Shadow Puppet. But that is only the name his breeder gave him. We are in the process of finding a new name for him. Got any ideas? Grant doesn't seem to like mine. I just can't figure out what's so wrong with Mr. Fuzzypants. Do you?

(ok, yes- I am really just kidding about that name!)


Unknown said...

He's beautiful. But he is more thanjust a puff ball with ears. He's got legs too. Congratulations. He looks like he is a very nice dog.

tami said...

What an ADORABLE new addition!! He is just as cute as he can be--not as cute as the first two, but then...

Let us know what to call him :)

Kimi said...

I'm on the phone with you right now...And he does look bigger than you described him! LOL. Trace!

Anonymous said...

Cute dog Melissa! Now you need a purse to put him in so he can go everywhere with you guys. :)He's a boy right? I'm looking at his face thinking something along the lines of Tex, Skeeder, T-bone, Nuckels McGee, or maybe Yoda(he's got the ears for this one). Can't wait for him to meet his cousins Sasha and Stetson.